Mount Teide Wearing Her ‘hat’ means Rain is on the Way

Mount Teide Wearing Her ‘hat’

Mount Teide greeted Tenerife this morning with a stunning natural phenomenon, a “hat” of lenticular clouds. This captivating sight often signals changes in the weather, and today is no exception, as AEMET are forecasting rain and unsettled conditions in the hours ahead.

The so-called “hat” over Teide is actually an altocumulus lenticularis, a cloud formation that occurs at mid-atmospheric levels, typically above mountainous areas where strong winds are present. These clouds, resembling lenses or saucers, form when moist air rapidly ascends over mountains, cools, and condenses into layers, creating their elongated appearance. Lenticular clouds are generally stationary and are associated with strong upper atmospheric winds. Their presence is often an indicator of unstable weather conditions, as is the case today. Weather forecast for Tenerife: According to AEMET, the forecast for today (Saturday) includes partly cloudy skies with rain expected from midday, particularly affecting the northern slopes.

Temperatures will remain fairly stable, with slight increases along the coast and a decrease inland. Maximum temperatures will hover around 27°C, with minimums around 21°C. Winds will blow from the southwest, shifting westward by the afternoon, and will occasionally be strong in exposed areas. By the end of the day, winds will weaken and turn northwest. At higher altitudes, strong to very strong westward winds are expected. These winds are forecast to ease by the end of the day. As the spectacular lenticular cloud looms over Teide, it serves as a visual reminder that the island’s weather is about to take a turn, with rains and winds arriving to break the calm.